Women's Health, Wisdom, and. . . WINE!

#89 - Doctor Mom: Work and Life in the Balance | Dr. Elizabeth Goff

Dr. Laurena White Season 7 Episode 89

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Fact: Work/Life "balance" is a myth... better stated, work/life balance is a flat out, unattainable, unachievable lie. Yet so many gurus have promoted this myth with get balanced quick schemes and 5-step programs. So today, no matter who you are, what profession you have, and what family dynamic you're currently operating in, you're going to STOP. Stop chasing after the unachievable and start running toward the achievable. . . living in the present.

Stress happens and unfortunately, you can’t avoid it; however, our existence is composed of far more than work and life... after all, life is work and work is a part of life, right? Too often, we divide our lives into those two very broad categories; however,  we’re all a lot more complex and our lives are much richer than that. By being clear and mindful of all aspects of your life, you’ll be more likely to find inner harmony when stress affects any aspect of life.

Shedding the myth of “work-life balance” takes work. It takes work to merge family, professional, personal, physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects of living a harmonious life. All of these aspects of a whole person's life need to be served in some way, shape, or form. In serving them, they, in turn, serve us.

About Dr. Goff:
Lynchburg, VA's Elizabeth Goff only ever wanted to be two things... a mom and a doctor, in that order. She's achieved both of those dreams for which she is thankful. Like many of us, she has struggled with work-life balance. She has considered going part-time, or quitting medicine entirely, because there just isn't enough or her to go around.

Sadly, there aren't enough doctors period and it keeps many of us receiving the healthcare we need. Americans in major cities wait an average of 26 days to see their primary care physician in person. Even when patients finally do see their doctors, they don't see much of them, with one study showing that conventional medicine physicians spend as little as 9 minutes with each patient. It would take a primary care physician almost 27 hours per day to see an average number of patients. Dr. Goff didn't have that kind of time. None of us do.

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The hashtag for the podcast is #nourishyourflourish. You can also find our firm, The Eudaimonia Center on the following social media outlets:

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For more integrative reproductive medicine and women's health information and other valuable resources, make sure to visit our website.

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