Women's Health, Wisdom, and. . . WINE!

#132 - NOURISH YOUR FLOURISH NUGGET | Dry January: Is there a Target Age When We Should All Stop Drinking?

January 10, 2024 Dr. Laurena White Season 10 Episode 132

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Dry January came from Emily Robinson, a young woman who gave up drinking for a month in January to better prepare for her first half marathon. The following year, she joined Alcohol Change UK and began to share her experience abstaining from alcohol, leading Dry January to officially become a campaign in 2013. The initiative peaked in 2022 after the pandemic saw elevated alcoholic intake (about 1 in 4 people drank more than usual). 

Dry January gives people a great excuse/reason and the confidence to carry on saying no thanks to alcohol, even after January has ended. Giving up alcohol can mean better sleep, weight loss, and more energy. In addition, to ditching the hangover, abstinence reduces the waistline, and saves some serious money over the course of 31 days.

By the end of the month, in healthy individuals drinking at moderate to high levels, abstinence leads to tangible health benefits.

Here are some tips to keep you on track during Dry January:

  • Remember your WHY: Is it to have fun, to deal with stress and anxiety, or to fall asleep? Think about ways you could accomplish those objectives without alcohol, such as doing yoga, taking a walk, meeting friends for a hike, or playing games instead of drinking at a party.
  • Lets friends and family know about your commitment to participate in Dry January.
  • Make sure alternative non-alcohol-containing beverages are available at parties and gatherings.
  • Have a polite, assertive "no, thank" ready for when you are offered a drink.
  • As the month progresses, pay attention to how you feel. Are you sleeping better? Do you have more energy? When you notice benefits, make a note of them. It will help you keep your momentum going.
  • Have a plan in place for when the month ends. As is the case with dieting, without a long-term plan, it's easy to resume old patterns.

Remember, if you feel better when you are not drinking, or when you decrease your drinking, then your body is telling you something. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.

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